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Prediction of protein stability change upon variation

INPS-MD (Impact of Non-synonymous mutations on Protein Stability - Multi Dimension) is a web server for predicting protein stability change (ΔΔG) upon single point variation. INPS-MD support either protein sequence (INPS-Sequence) or 3D structure (INPS-3D) as input for the prediction task.

INPS-MD is part of the ELIXIR infrastructure.

For details on the underlying method please see the Methods page.
For a tutorial on how to use the web server please see the Help page.

Try out our new prediction method DDGemb based on Protein Language Models!

For more details and citations, please see INPS-MD papers:

  • Castrense Savojardo, Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Rita Casadio (2016) INPS-MD: a web server to predict stability of protein variants from sequence and structure, Bioinformatics, 32(16),2542–2544.
    Bioinformatics PubMed
  • Piero Fariselli, Pier Luigi Martelli, Castrense Savojardo, Rita Casadio (2015) INPS: predicting the impact of non-synonymous variations on protein stability from sequence, Bioinformatics, 31(17), 2816–2821.
    Bioinformatics PubMed

INPS-MD sequence
INPS sequence

Prediction of the impact of non-synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (nsSNPs) on protein stability starting from protein sequence.

Submit sequence
INPS-MD structure
INPS sequence

Prediction of the impact of non-synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (nsSNPs) on protein stability starting from protein 3D structure.

Submit 3D